How Staff Shuttles can reduce your Scope 3 emissions

Published: 24th March 2024

Now that we understand the ways scope 3 emissions can be reduced, we’re taking a deep dive into how staff shuttles in particular can reduce your scope 3 emissions. Quick Reminder: Scope 3 emissions are indirect value-chain emissions that include transport and distribution, investment, leased assets and employee commuting.

While it’s important for organisations to look to their supply chains for emissions reductions, this is a longer-term approach often taking years to implement change. Staff Shuttles also known as ‘employee’ shuttle services, and ‘corporate’ shuttle services are an immediate solution to reducing Scope 3 emissions that result from business travel and transportation.

Here’s why:

With staff shuttles, routes to and from your place of work can be bespoke to your employee's needs. Providing employee transportation reduces the reliance on single-occupancy vehicles and instead encourages a modal shift to a staff shuttle service. 

Vehicles used for employee transportation solutions vary. So whether you’re looking for an electric double-decker bus, an executive coach with reclining seats, or an accessible MVP…you have options!

Staff shuttles are unique in that they can be demand-responsive to accommodate employees with irregular working schedules and top talent that wouldn’t otherwise, have access to your office or warehouse.

Here are some additional benefits of introducing staff shuttles:
  • Gain the competitive edge - stand out within your industry
  • Significantly reduce onsite parking lots.
  • Widen your recruitment catchment - attract skilled employees irrespective of the distance to the main working hub
  • Improve productivity - cater to the working needs of staff and minimise absenteeism and lateness of employees

Staff shuttles present many carbon reduction opportunities. Now’s the time to take advantage of this and reduce your employee’s carbon footprints while reducing your organisation’s scope 3 emissions.

Want to find out more about staff shuttle solutions? Submit your organisation’s requirements or speak to our team of travel experts at 03301 358 469

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